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We will stand at the center of the expansion of the hydrogen economy

Hydrogen Knowledge Group



​Hydrogen Knowledge Group is working to spread the hydrogen economy.

We aim to function as the best global platform that provides necessary information and knowledge.

​Hydrogen Knowledge Group

We will always pay attention to technology changes and market movements.

This is because it is a key element driving the hydrogen economy.

We will not neglect our efforts to expand our knowledge platform.

Because good information and many attempts are our nourishment.

We will work harder to exchange and expand our domestic and international networks.

Because we know that if we want to go far, ‘being together’ is the greatest strength.



August China CHFCE MOU signed

AugustEstablishment of Monthly Hydrogen Economy and opening of website

Established Hydrogen Knowledge Group Co., Ltd. in April


The 3rd H2WORLD held in November

April 3rd anniversary of the founding of Hydrogen Knowledge Group


May Renewal H2WORLD 2023 held

MarchAchieved 50th order for consulting lab project service


The 1st H2WORLD held in October
Joined Korea Hydrogen and New Energy Society in August

March H2WORLD Organizing Committee MOU signed

March H2WORLD trademark registration
March Office expansion
Joined Korea Hydrogen Industry Association in January


April Head office relocation, acquisition of international conference planning business


Establishment of research and development department in November
2nd H2WORLD held in September
Paid capital increase in May
Hanyang Securities signs MOU to ‘expand investment in hydrogen industry’

1st HYCON held in January

January HYCON trademark registration


November Received the Minister’s Award on the 1st Hydrogen Day

April 5th anniversary of the founding of Hydrogen Knowledge Group




Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul
75-15   No. 910  Hydrogen Knowledge Group Co., Ltd.
​Zip code 08592

Phone          +82-2-6929-1270

Fax          +82-2-6929-1271


Opening Hours



9:00 am – 6:00 pm

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Our Works

Image credit: Markus Winkler


​Monthly Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen industry article provided

Production of corporate advertisements and promotional materials

publication production

​Industrial inspection, etc.

Image credit: charlesdeluvio


​Consulting Lab

Research service report

Domestic and international market research

Biz Model Discovery

Survey of domestic and international industrial trends · analyze

Image credit: Charles Forerunner



International hydrogen exhibition ‘H2WORLD’ held

International exhibition joint pavilion planning· operate

Conference & Forum Planning · Hold

Corporate Seminar & Hold a meeting

​Monthly Hydrogen Economy

Korea’s first hydrogen industry journal

We provide online (, offline (monthly magazine), and YouTube (Hydrogen Economy TV) services.

​Not only does it quickly and accurately convey various information such as policies, technologies, products, and companies surrounding the hydrogen economy.

We will strive to improve readers' understanding through professional and in-depth planning.

흰색 공 회전



​We provide a variety of consulting services based on systematic and professional knowledge related to the hydrogen industry.

​Government policy, establishment of local government basic plan, market research and analysis, business planning, establishment of new business model, etc.

We have the best performance in the hydrogen industry in Korea.


수소산업육성 기본계획 수립 용역 (서산시)

수소도시 조성사업 마스터 플랜 수립용역 (광양시)

수소충전소의 효율적 보급 및 지역자립형 청정수소 공급방안 수립 (한국환경공단)

탄소중립 및 수소산업 생태계 조성 마스터플랜 (동해시)

수소 시범도시 운영제도 및 지원 네트워크 구축 (국토부)

(K-City) 볼리비아 와르네스 그린수소 타당성 용역 (국토부)

여수광양항 수소 배관망 구축 기본구상 연구 (여수광양항만공사)

수소기업 육성 산학연 클러스터 조성 추진 연구 (삼척시)

한국 개질(추출)수소시장 분석 및 전망 (일본 기업)

울산수소 모빌리티 규제 자유특구 시장분석 및 사업전략 (울산테크노파크)

연료전지 및 수전해 사업화 전략 (대우건설)

수소도시 조성을 위한 법적 기반 마련 및 홍보 방안 연구 (국토부)

수소 활성화 비즈니스 지원 전략 모색 (에너지경제연구원)

수소저장방식 별 경쟁력 분석 (RIST)

새만금 수소경제 생태계 구축 기본계획 마련 연구 (새만금청)

수소그린모빌리티 규제자유특구 실증 안전성 검증 및 제도개선 지원 (울산테크노파크)

수소산업 육성 기본계획 수립 연구용역 (광양시)

그린수소 생산기지 건립 타당성 용역 (한전KPS)

(1차)에너지 융복합단지 지정 공모제안서 (보령시)

수소산업 육성 기본계획 수립 (인천시)

한국 수소산업 정책 및 시장분석(H2KOREA)

(2차)에너지 융복합단지 사업제안 및 발표대응 (보령시)

수소도시 조성 모델 및 홍보 방안 연구 (국토교통부)

수소교통 복합기지 구축전략 수립 (한국교통연구원)

수소산업 육성 기본계획 연구 (충청남도)

수소시범도시 마스터플랜 및 기본설계 (안산 도시개발)

수소 신규사업 제안 (LINDE)

액화수소 시장 전망 및 대응 전략 (한국기계연구원)

수소컴플렉스 구축을 위한 연구 (삼일PWC)

수소전기차&모빌리티 전문인재 양성사업 (한국기술교육대학교)

건물용 연료전지 유럽시장 현황 분석 (에스퓨얼셀)

수소 기반 에너지 거점도시 조성 기본계획 수립 (강원도)

도로변 휴게시설 및 수소충전소 설치조사 연구 (국토교통부)

수소산업 육성 기본계획 수립 (전라남도)

수소연계 산업생태계 분석 (KISTEP)

수소사업 아이템 도출 (PHC그룹)

에너지 플러스팜 구현을 위한 기술개발 로드맵 연구 (농촌진흥청)

국내 수소충전인프라 시장 동향 분석 (일본 기업)

​컨설팅 문의 및 의뢰
* Marked items are required.
파일 업로드

제출이 완료되었습니다. 감사합니다.



​We provide exhibitions and conferences where various information and technologies can be found in one place.

​In particular, we are planning and holding Korea's first hydrogen industry-specific international exhibition 'H2WORLD' and hydrogen specialized conference 'HYCON'.

The Hydrogen Knowledge Group will strive to become an event that can contribute more to the exchange of information and network activation in the hydrogen industry.


Hydrogen Knowledge Group is waiting for those who want to contribute to the spread of the hydrogen economy.

​We ask for the support of those who would like to accompany the Hydrogen Knowledge Group on its path.

4.5 days work week

every Friday

​Morning work

Holiday welfare expenses

Chuseok Lunar New Year holiday

​Gift certificate payment

free annual leave

comfortable rest


Snacks provided

a variety of drinks

Confectionery, etc.​ Always available

Apply for graduate school

graduate school tuition

Free support

performance bonus

After year-end evaluation

​Performance payment

Meals provided

other than salary

​Separate payment

Birthday welfare

morning shift

​Congratulatory money payment

입사 지원 양식
* Marked items are required.
파일 업로드

감사합니다. 곧 연락 드리겠습니다.

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